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Marketing actions managed in real time

Marketing actions managed in real time

 SEO - Search engine positioning
 SMM - Social Networks
 SEA - Advertising

Control Panel

Have quick access to the general overview of the evolution of the activity generated by marketing actions.

 View the graphic I keep the newsletters sent
 Find out the status of evolution of your SEO keywords
 Stay informed from the list of birthdays in your database
 Follow the evolution; number of visits to your website


Create birthday alerts for your contacts, so you can create effective communication actions.

 Pre-define the text needed for the footer; of your Newsletters
 Defines the sending of Birthday Newsletter
 Activate reception; Birthday alerts section
 Set up a Newsletter new profile for your website or online store

Newsletters Mailing List

Use data from all your contacts to create more effective email lists.

 Create segments based in profile data
 Reach the dust! ideal public defined personalized email lists
 Define attributes for better segment your contacts
 Easily maintain your mailings updated list


Create personalized and effective email campaigns for your contacts.

 Reach customers at any device
 Create your messages with custom templates
 Strengthen the relationship ;Contact your customers through emails adapted to each stage of the customer lifecycle
 Engage your customers by throughout your journey with regular Newsletters


A secure and reliable way to communicate with your customers

 Treat your customers by name with personalized messages
 Automatically send email messages happy birthday, appointment confirmation, etc.
 Add SMS campaigns to your marketing actions
 Informaçã updated to know the status of your shipments in real time

SEO Keywords

Define the relevant keywords for your business for positioning in search engines.

 Choose the words- right keys for your SEO strategy
 Add the terms used to the content of your website or online store
 Analyze the reports; rios and keep your keyword list updated

Social media

Connect your website or online store with social networks.

 Connect the main social networks
 Easily add the link on each of the platforms
 Maintain a good strategy ;multichannel gia

Birthday List

Address your customers by name with personalized messages.

 List segmented by customers , partners, suppliers or employees
 Preview and keep your contact form updated
 Send personalized messages via email or sms
 Informaçã o updated in real time

SEO Metas

Improve the positioning of your website or online store in search engines.

 Determine the indicators that make sense for your business
 Add the words- default key and for the main pages of your Website or Store
 Create titles and personalized descriptions per page, to improve results


Follow the evolution of your marketing actions by analyzing the registered data.

 Analyze the evolution; Rate of visits to your website
 Compare the success of different Newsletters sent
 Check the involvement of campaigns on your social networks


Record the types of campaigns and different means of dissemination used.

 Create the type of campaign, combining the internet, outdoor, radio and TV media
 Set the profile. active mode of your campaigns
 Analyze the costs, comparing gains and losses
 Make one Better management of your investment by analyzing the evolution of the charts


Get real-time information to better analyze the status of your campaigns and marketing actions.

 Check all the campaigns happening
 Analyze and compare the profit and loss graphs
 Data that allows the management and optimization of your investment

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