New features, lower prices, new support service, all without changing anything about your account. Get your Management Software on OnlineBIZ now.

Online Store

Your 100% Online Store integrated with your billing

Online Store

 Integrated with Invoice; o
 Payments MB and VISA
 Loyalty Programs


Activate your store's connection to the network. OnlineBIZ invoicing and make the general operating settings of your e-Commerce circuit.

 Pre-define your customer notification email
 Configure your store's cashback in percentage or value
 Make the customer profile available in different languages
 Activate Order status alerts
 Display the best-selling products with the biggest discounts in your store

Promotional Codes

Gain new customers for your Online Store by creating promotional codes.

 Attract new customers to your Store
 Remain loyal to your customers who are alone. waiting for a promotion to buy again
 Don't keep stock idle and create promotional codes for products with fewer outlets
 Improves your brand's positioning in the market

Payment options

Provide a payment service without monthly fees and membership costs.

 Secure payments by Multibanco, MB Way, Payshop, Credit Card and Paypal.
 Protection of user data, without the need to enter online banking details
 Payments 24 hours a day with immediate notifications

Shipping Methods

Activate the shipping methods available in your business.

 Allow the customer to receive the order at the indicated address
 If you have one or more physical stores, allow your customers to choose to pick up their order in store
 Automate shipments by integrating the process with carriers

Shipping costs

Quickly and easily configure different shipping costs to take your product directly to your customer's home.

 Create the different shipping zones (Mainland Portugal, Portugal Islands, Europe, etc.) where you want to sell the your products
 Possibility to set free shipping from a certain value
 The client is always informed of the shipping cost before completing your order


Simplify your online processes, optimizing life cycles and order history.

 Increase your customers' confidence by communicating order status
 Convert your orders into purchase orders or invoices with a simple click< br /> Information updated in real time to speed up your  customer response
  Speed ​​up the invoicing process by automatically sending the invoice to the customer


Increase your sales by using this tool to reduce your store's cart abandonment rate.

 Easily consult the list of open carts
 Reduce cart abandonment rate by automatically sending cart recovery email
 Stock always updated with the automatic elimination of the oldest carts

Favorites List

Use this feature to identify the products your customers want to buy.

  Analyze consumers' purchasing intentions
 Take advantage of your customers' favorites lists to increase sales with personalized offers
 Identify the most desired products and create discount campaigns

Delivery Time

Manage your employees and their delivery availability.

 Manage your order and delivery schedule
 Set the default display format (day, week or month)
 See all your events clearly
 Create and manage employee schedules
 See the order list per employee


Os vouchers para a sua loja são uma solução muito interessante para aumentar as vendas.

 Crie vouchers para os seus serviços ou produtos
 Utilize os vouchers como cartões pré-pagos e vale-presentes
 Faça chegar aos seus clientes facilmente por email ou sms


Use your store as a sales platform through other people.

  Increase the visibility and reach of your store
 Easily and quickly configure the URL for your affiliates
 Set the commission percentage per affiliate
 Activate and deactivate an affiliate whenever necessary


Product reviews influence consumers' purchasing decisions, contributing to a more reliable and secure purchase.

 Guarantees a good shopping experience
 Provides a field for comments and encourages interaction ;ão
&nbsp ;Create surveys and debates about products and/or services
 Promote "word of mouth" marketing, boosting your sales
 Know how to deal with complaints and try to resolve them


Track the evolution of your sales by analyzing your pre-order products. ="" width="22" height="16" /> List of products with totals and averages per product
 Easily find a product by reference or designation
 Search the list by dates, client or supplier
< img src="" alt="" width="22" height="16" /> Sales totals and averages products sold to order

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New features, lower prices, new support service, all without changing anything about your account. Get your Management Software on OnlineBIZ now.